Sunday, December 23, 2007
Little Lady
...only to receive a call 5 minutes later that church was canceled due to a power outage. :) The 70 mph wind gusts during the night took a toll on the neighborhood Dad's church is in. Oh well! She was the finest dressed lady at "Toast & Jam's" for breakfast. :)
Saturday, December 22, 2007
Saturday, December 15, 2007
Early this morning Aaron, Emily & I packed up and headed over to my in-laws. Jonathan and Jennifer came over too. We all brought food, video games, books, movies and clothes to stay until Monday morning. Church has already been canceled for Sunday.
I can't begin to tell you how snuggly, cozy and content I feel. It's been delightful. :) I've already eaten way too much and held Emmy while she took a nap. This is seriously way too much fun! This Michigan girl is sooo happy! We have no where to go and nothing to do. We just get to cozy up and be together. I LOVE it! This is the first big snow that Emily will get to go out and play in. She was sick the last time we had a lot of snow. I can't wait to take her out.
In other news, Aaron and I just celebrated 4 years of marriage this week. Our anniversary was the 13th. God has blessed me beyond belief by giving me the husband he has. It's hard to come up with the words to tell you what Aaron means to me. I attempted to convey it to him in a letter this year, but it still feels so inadequate. He understood though...and I know he feels the exact same way. :) 2007 has been the hardest year of my life, but God sent me a soul mate to walk with me through it. Aaron has kept his part of our marriage vows ferverously. He's such gift.
I was treated with a dozen roses this year....awww!!!! We celebrated with a meal at our favorite place to eat...Olive Garden! It was nice to just be together.
I just got a kiss on the cheek from him. Sigh! :)
My Grandfather did pass away a few minutes past mindnight on the 14th. I think I was praying for him right around the time he went. Something felt different during that time of prayer. I'm so glad he's home. He can see again. He's with Mom. Wow.
We're waiting to hear on funeral arrangements, but it will be later in the week.
God is good. 2007 may have been hard, but God has given us many moments to cherish this year. Anniversaries and snow storms are just a few. :) Life moves on, and many special memories are waiting to be made. I have so much to be thankful for.
Love to you all!
Wednesday, December 12, 2007
What would this labor be like? This was to be her first baby. Was it really as bad as everyone said it would be? Would she be able to endure it? Sure she could. She was tough. Women in her family had been giving birth for years.
Lester, her husband, was probably just as excited and impatient. He probably watched Ruth's every move to see if she showed any signs of pain or change. He loved her so much. He would be a good father. She was sure of this. They would make a good team. Helpmates they were. Whatever lack of funds or experience they had, they knew there God would make up the difference; their questions quieted by faith.
It was cold outside on this Virginia, December day, but they must have been warm with the excitement of the grand event that lay ahead. Would it be a boy or a girl? Would it be healthy. They were due to find out soon.
"Soon" is a very relative term when you are pregnant. A week can seem like an eternity. Despite there excitement, and anticipation, a week is what it would take before Lester & Ruth could meet there baby.
On December 19th, Ruth gave birth to a son...just in time for Christmas. They named him Donald Gene. They were so proud. The love that filled there hearts was intense. Their wait was finally over.
80 years later, Lester & Ruth are probably growing restless again. They are filled with an impatient wonderment that the moment could happen at any time. Looking at each other with the same, intense love that they had in there eyes 80 years ago, they talk about what it will be like. They are so proud. What will he look like? When will he get here? "Soon" is all they've been told. "Soon" still seems like an eternity, but their questions are quieted yet again by faith.
They've been called. They've been summoned. They've been asked to stand ready. A beautiful woman that they have recently enjoyed a delightful visit with joins them. Her excitement can hardly be contained either. She talks about how she can't wait to get one of his famous "love pats". They pass the time by sharing memories and reminiscing about Don. They keep watching...waiting. Jesus wouldn't have asked them to come if it wasn't time yet.
I wish I could be there. I wish I could stand there with them as "soon" comes to pass, but I can't. I wish I could experience the reunion and the hugs. Oh how I want to be apart of those hugs. The laughter, the reminiscing.
It's not God's plan for now, though. Instead, I will stand here, cold on a December day. My heart will ache to where it's hard to breathe...somewhat like the way it did a month and a half ago. I already have questions, but faith is already at work quieting them. When I picture this happy, excited welcoming party, the cold just drifts away.
They are ready for you, Grandpa. Mom, Great Grandpa & Great Grandma are all waiting. You've almost left us twice already, but this time we know it's certain. I'm here just waiting for the call. I'm happy for you, Grandpa. I want you to go. You need to go. I just wish Jesus would come and take us all together. I trust His timing, though. I'll keep living purposefully until that day comes.
Tell Mom I said "hi". Tell her we are making it. Hurting, but trying to make her proud. Tell her that I love her, and I miss her so much. Give each other big hugs for me.
Even though it seems like an eternity away, I'll see you both "soon".
PS. Happy week early
Saturday, October 27, 2007
Mom's tribute
Mom’s Tribute
God is good. I can’t tell you what a privilege and a blessing it is to share with you about the most special woman in my life. Today, I would just like to share with you a few reasons why she was so special to me. On Mother’s day of this year, I gave her a gift that I hope conveyed to her just how special she really was. My gift was a list of 100 things she did right as my mom. Since some of those things are just between mom and I, you don’t get to hear all 100, but I would like to share with you some of the things off of that list
1. You taught me how to properly set a table.
2. When I was nervous before my first soccer game in 6th grade, you took me in to the fellowship center and practiced with me.
3. You took me seriously…
4. You tried to get me to not take myself so seriously.
5. You just laughed and told me to live a little when you found out I had been hiding fake fingernails in my dresser drawer.
6. You made a home that my friends liked to come over to.
7. When I came home from school with dirty clothes, you didn’t get mad. You just said “That’s what the washing machine is for”
8. You let me help you with housework when I was little.
9. You MADE me help with housework when I was older. (I’m sorry for the bad attitudes!)
10. You stayed with me the week before Emily was born…despite all my pregnancy craziness.
11. You let me wear your Ralph Lauren Perfume on special occasions.
**It smells very good today**
12. You’re a wonderful Grammy for my daughter.
13. You taught me to take a 20 minute shower instead of 60 minute ones. (By the way…my showers lately average a mere 7 minutes.)
14. You always told me I was beautiful.
15. You taught me what true beauty really is.
16. You are an example of that beauty.
17. You let me stubbornly hold fast to traditions that were so important to me.
18. Speaking of stubborn….you somehow acquired the balance of knowing when to let me be stubborn…and when to be stubborn yourself. I thank you for both.
19. You taught me this “This little Piggy”, “Oh how I love Jesus” , “This Is the Way We Wash Our Hair”, “Kelly, stop hitting yourself!” , “The “Insy Weensy Spider” & how to steal noses. All of which are becoming classics with a certain 2 year old we both know and love.
20. You taught me the importance of waiting for “God’s best”.
21. You bragged about me.
22. You always reacted in a way that made my homemade gifts & cards seem like the grandest treasures.
23. Golden Girls……need I say more?
24. Everything good I know about being a mommy, I’ve learned from you.
25. I don’t ever remember a time when you said “I told you so”.
26. You’ve folded countless baskets of clothes for me.
27. You didn’t get too upset all the times I fell in lakes and rivers after you told me not to get wet.
My mom impacted my life in countless ways that far exceeded my list of 100. However, there were 3 on my list that far surpass the others. 3 things that…because she did, I am who I am today.
1. One night when I was 4 and couldn’t sleep, you told me that Jesus wanted to come into my heart.
My mom helped me fall in love with Jesus at an early age. My mom made sure I had the opportunity early on to accept him. Because of what Christ did on the cross, I stand here today forgiven and free. Because of what Christ did on the cross, my mom is in heaven…and someday, I will see her again. Praise God.
Mom and I shared a common burden for several people who we know still need to accept Jesus. If even one person here accepts Christ today, all of the events of this week will have been worth it. Dad and I know that mom would say the exact same thing.
2 I’ve learned so much about trusting God from you.
My mom instilled in me a deep faith and trust in God. Not only did she teach me this, but she lived out an incredible example of how a person can cling to God and trust in His promises. Throughout my Mom’s illness, I never never never heard her doubt her God.
I stand here today heartbroken and hurting…but because of my Mom’s legacy, I can tell you that I stand here completely trusting in God wisdom, His perfect timing, His mercy & His love. I know there will still be hard days ahead, but I know my God will carry me. And I know, I can trust his promises that Mom is at perfect peace and joy with Him…and that I WILL see her again. In fact, because of her faith and trust in God, we had a conversation Monday night of this week about the assurance that we had that we would all be in heaven someday.
Finally, mom always pointed me to scripture for encouragement.
Any time my mom said that she felt led to give me a scripture, I listened. Every single time, the scripture would hit the nail on the head. It would be the perfect thing for that moment in time. God has used this method of speaking to me through my mom countless times. It never ceased to amaze me
On Tuesday, the day before she died, my mom left me a voicemail on my cell phone. She told me that she felt led to have me read Psalms 91. She was emphatic that I read it before going to bed that night…and I did. I had someone read it to me the moment after I found out she had gone home to Jesus….and I’ve read it several times since. When I opened her Bible to read it at the house, it fell right open to the exact page, because she had book marked it. Almost the whole Psalm is highlighted. And in her beautiful handwriting she has written next to it the words “Be Brave…You have God!”.
I would like to share with you parts of Psalms 91. I would encourage you to read the whole thing later.
“He who dwells in the shelter of the Most High will rest in the shadow of the Almighty. I will say of the Lord “he is my refuge and my fortress, my God in whom I trust. Surely he will save you from the fowler’s snare and from the deadly pestilence. He will cover you with his feathers and under his wings you will find refuge. His faithfulness will be your shield and rampart.
Because he loves me, says the Lord, I will rescue him. I will protect him, for he acknowledges my name. He will call upon me, and I will answer him. I will be with him in trouble; I will deliver him and honor him. With long life will I satisfy him and show him my salvation.”
I love you Mama… Thank you for your life and your legacy. Thank you for your love and for just being you and all that meant. I’ll make sure Emily knows, Mom. I’ll make sure she knows about all that was so important to you. With God’s help, your legacy will carry on through her. Remember Mom…I’ll always be Mama’s Angel.
A long road
God's strength has been miraculous. He is so real. I'm so thankful. I was hurting tonight, almost thought I had a panic attack coming on. Too many thoughts were whirling in my brain. I asked God to give me something to focus on. He simply said...focus on Jesus. While Aaron and Emily were napping, I spent close to 1 1/2 hours pouring through Mom's Bible. Her highlighted passages were so wonderfully appropriate and comforting. I especially spent time looking at passages that promised of Jesus coming again.
God has answered so many specific prayers. 1. I was dreading and fearful of the moment I was going to see my mom for the first time in her casket. I asked people to pray for an extra dose of grace for that moment. God answered. I walked in the room, and said..."She's beautiful". She really was. It was so wonderful to not see her struggling to breathe. I didn't want to touch her skin because I didn't want to feel the coolness. She was warm the last time I touched her. But I touched her dress and patted her shoulder.
2. After I found out she was gone, I knew right away that I wanted to speak at her funeral. I prayed hard that God would give me the appropriate words. The words had to be such that would honor her...yet be a witness as we have many people in our family who still need the Lord. Dad and I really wanted the plan of salvation shared. (The pastor did in his message). I was also praying that God would give me the strength to share what I wrote in the funeral. God answered both prayers. He gave me the words...and he gave me the strength. I had one of my best friends come up on the platform with me. She was my backup plan in case I got too choked up. Thankfully, I was able to read the whole thing...quite calmly.
Aaron has been my rock. He is absolutely amazing. He feels like he hasn't done much, but he has. He's BEEN HERE. He has shed almost just as many tears as I have...He's taken care of Emily. He's run errands. He played and sang at the funeral. He shared in many intimate, difficult conversations with my Dad and I about my mom's final moments. He has been there to lean on...emotionally and physically. He supported my family, and was an example of a true Godly man, husband & father. I'm so thankful to have him as my husband. There really are no words to describe what he means to me...or how much I love him.
Emily has been my angel. Grammy would have been so proud and touched by her. She went up to mom in the casket and said "Awwww.....". When our babysitters arrived (all the way form Indiana), she insisted on bringing up each of them by the hand to show them her Grammy. She told people over and over that Grammy was with Jesus. She's been so good this week...incredibly patient when I haven't been able to give her the attention she normally gets.
I feel like I'm babbling...but, I think it's to be expected.
It's amazing the things you don't normally think of in regards to funerals. Take picking out flowers for example. How can something hurt so much and feel so right all the same time? It truly was painful. Making arrangements with a director...agonizing.... yet funeral directors have a powerful ministry to families. We were blessed to have an EXCELLENT director. So kind, gracious & sensitive.
That's it...I'm done... I'm tired. I'm sure more aimless ramblings will come later. I think this blog is going to get a lot more use. An outlet...
Please keep praying. It's so desperatly needed. We've made it through most of the initial crisis. Now we just have to rediscover what normal is going to look like. That's going to be no small task. Please keep my dad and grandparents in your prayers as well.
Thursday, October 25, 2007
Psalms 91
I will write more later in days ahead. For now, I'm just trying to breathe. My heart is broken. The grief is like nothing I've never experienced. However, I don't grieve as someone without hope. Heaven is a delightful promise. God is faithful and good. I'm trusting in Him...and believing his grace is sufficent.
But sometimes, it's all I can do to breathe. My heart hurts so much.
The day before she died, my mom called and said she wanted me to read Psalms 91. She said she felt led to give it to me.
Little did I know...
The arrangements are as follows:
Victoria Bennett
Friday 6-8pm
The Sytsema Chapel
737 Apple Ave
Muskegon, MI 49442
Saturday 1:00pm
First Wesleyan Church
1040 E. Forest Ave
Muskegon, MI 49441
Wednesday, August 22, 2007
55 Hours
...and our little family now has Friday, Saturday & Sunday completely free.
That's roughly 55 hours to use at our own discretion. 55 hours of breathing easy. 55 hours suddenly given to us that we didn't think we would have. 55 hours to do WHATEVER we want.
Already I have thoughts popping in to my head of what I should do. I desperatly need to give our house a really late mean early fall cleaning. You know, the kind where you pitch and toss bags full of stuff, dust every imaginable square inch, & re-organize every drawer & closet.
Then there is grocery shopping. Yep, we're over due on that too.
Not to mention, I REALLY want to take Emily to the park or do something silly & fun with her. I actually wouldn't mind taking her back to the zoo. (We opted for an annual pass.)
Then...there's Jane Eyre. I've been trying to re-read it, but have only found myself to be on chapter 12. That's not for a lack of enjoying it, though. I just have only found time to read a chapter here and there.
Since Aaron is back on 2nd shift, we are also over due for a date.
Oh! We also have a bunch of free rentals for McDonald's Red Box. Wouldn't mind cashing in 1 or 2 of those.
There is always the pictures and recipies that I've been wanting to organize since I first found out I was pregnant with Emily.
Recipies??? That's right, I need to plan some meals that would be easier to fix on our schedule. (Which, by the way, I'm VERY open to suggestions.)
Suddenly 55 hours makes my tummy tighten up a little bit and my breath come a little quicker. The excitement deflates. Too many decisions. Too much of a battle between what I SHOULD do, and what I WANT to do. Too much debating about whether or not what I THINK I should be doing is what I ACTUALLY should be doing. Do I strive to make good use of every waking second...or do I give in to the luxuries of spontanaity and making things up as I go along?
I guess we'll find out. I think blogging about it before hand gives me a sense of accountability...especially if I commit to blogging on Monday about what I did.
Am I normal? Does anyone else go through this? I sure hope so.
Thursday, August 16, 2007
An Ode to Taxi Divers
And then...
We had to write our own.
What had I gotten myself into?
Actually the semester proved to not be a total failure. In fact, I was quite proud of myself once the segment on poetry was over. I managed to come up with a few poems that were...well...not all that bad! I even found myself enjoying the class. The people that I thought "had issues" I realized I actually respected and admired them for the pieces of writing they produced. My professor told me that she could tell the point when I started "crossing over". She could see it in my writing. I still think everyone wrote far better than I did, but at least she could see I was trying.
Once we were done with poetry, we moved on to creative fiction. The outcome of the project was less than desiarable to say the least. My short story had something to do with 2 people getting caught in a tornado. ( was the end of the semester, summer was right around the corner, and I had already spent my creative energy on the poetry side of things. I still ended up with an A or a B in the class, so...I was happy!)
The other day, Aaron and I went out to buy a new cell phone for him. After conducting our business, the salesman needed to write down a number for Aaron to call and activate something on our account. The salesman grabbed a business card that was sitting on a desk. It was advertising a taxi driver named Craig. As we were later driving home, I flipped over the card and discovered this poem on the back. As I read it out loud to Aaron, we were really "feeling" the poem. We were laughing sooo hard. I couldn't help but thinking to myself what Mary Brown and this year's Creative Writing students would have thought of this poem....or what they would have titled it. Better yet, what grade would I receive if I had turned in something like this:
Tuesday, August 07, 2007
Quiet Greatness
My Dad will be giving Grandpa's eulogy at the funeral. As the family came in to visit Grandpa this weekend, Dad asked each one to send him comments about things they remember about Grandpa. As a result, my cousin Jeff sent the following e-mail to Dad.
I don't know how anyone could possibly say it better.
Thursday, August 02, 2007
Grandpa...please pray
There are many things to be thankful for in this situation.
1. Emily did a fantastic job on the trip, at the hospital etc.
2. We made it in time to have a precious visit with him while he is still lucid.
3. Things at work are going so smoothly, it doesn't phase me or stress me out to be off for several days.
4. My Grandpa is a Christian. The peace that surrounds his countenance is a blessed comfort to see.
5. I have the promise of Heaven. This is not good bye. It's "see you later". I can't tell you how much this means to me, or to the extent that I was praising God for this promise while sitting in the hospital waiting room.
6. Grandpa is getting ready to go home. He's going to be so happy there. He'll never have to stress or be upset again. Just perfect peace. He's blind, so Jesus' face will be the first thing he's seen in years. He's going to get to see his family that's gone before him.
God is good!
Wednesday, August 01, 2007
My new favorite DVD
Last night I excitedly used some spending money to by this:
I could listen to them forever. Maybe it's my Irish roots, or maybe I'm just a big nerd. Either way, I wish I could have had front row seats at the recording of this concert.
An Ashlock Family Summer (a.k.a.: A list of excuses as to why I haven't blogged)
1. Aaron getting another "A" on his latest class. 3 classes completed + 3 "A's" = VERY proud wife! He started a new class on Monday.
2. Blowing Bubbles

2. A quick weekend home that entailed an afternoon at the beach with dear friend Marcy & baby Conner (Emily can not talk about the beach without talking about "her baby Conner".) Emily also got to see her "Aunt" Amanda and her beautiful house, but mommy didn't get any pictures. We also had to say a tearful goodbye to some very special friends. Tim, Marcea, Emma, Taylor, Maddie...our next trip home won't be the same without you there! We love you!


3. Exciting Water in2 Wine travels. We've hired a new driver.
4. Directing a week of VBS. This year's theme was "Water Works" (A water park). We had entirely way too much fun. Emily LOVED it! I think her favorite part was the bubble machine. Surprised?


5. A trip to the zoo. Unfortunately, Mommy didn't take the camera AGAIN. In her defense, the battery was low on the camera after snapping VBS pictures. Daddy saved the day by taking the video camera. Ever since our zoo trip, Emily tries to swim like a dolphin during bath time. This usually leads to a soaking wet Mommy(dolphins splash a lot), but Mommy just splashes back. :)
6. Recording a CD of our Wednesday night Kids Club singing their favorite songs...Thanks to our wonderful producer, Aaron!
7. A surprise b-day party thrown for me by my WONDERFUL in-laws whom I DEARLY love! The party came complete with details like good friends, grilled food (my favorite summer treat) and my very own pint of mint chocolate chip ice cream. :) God has blessed me with in-laws that I just love to pieces.
I "think" that wraps up the highlights of our summer so far. It has definitely been busy but blessed. There's even more fun in store, though. In 1 1/2 weeks my hubby is going to be singing here: We are soooo excited. They sang here last year as well and we had such a good time. The fact that the festival is in my hometown & near the beach is a nice perk too. :)
Friday, June 29, 2007
Thursday, June 21, 2007
Tuesday, June 19, 2007
The Fathers in My World

Father's Day Weekend

Mommy had an unexpected visit with her cousin Anne & daughter Caitlyn. We all met up together when we saw Grandpa Bennett in the nursing home. I can't believe we are both Mommy's! :)



Wednesday, June 13, 2007
Wiladean, we'll miss you. Everybody loved you. You had a way of making me feel pretty special. I think it was the way your contagious smile would brighten your face when you saw me. I'm sure many people can atest to that smile and that feeling of specialness. Thank you for teaching me as a little girl in Sunday School, and as a big girl in the church office. Thanks for opening up and sharing your heart with me in your apartment...and for your cookies during those visits. Thanks for letting the kids bring you muffins. Thanks for loving your church and it's pastors.
I remember the day I attended Brookhaven during my 1st semester of college. Because of your ministry as a greeter, your face was the first that I saw...and it was familiar. That was pure medicine to my terribly homesick heart.
You go on home, Wiladen. You've earned it. You're with Jesus this very moment. Oh, I can't imagine the glory of it all, nor the way your face smiles now... bigger than ever before. Enjoy your reunion with your husband. Stand up tall and breathe in that crystal clean, pure, heavenly air with ease. Relish in your first burden-free, eternal day without a broken heart. Check out all the new sights for us, and don't let Eldine give you too hard of a time. :)
We'll see you later.
Tuesday, June 12, 2007
Wednesday, June 06, 2007
Wednesday Night Randomness
2. I've been missing Brookhaven a lot lately. While it was good to see people at the funeral this week, it only made me ache worse. I'm just glad people hug a lot at funerals.
3. Aaron saw a mouse in our kitchen yesterday. If it is the same mouse that I saw this winter, his name is Jerry. The mouse is still on the loose having run under the stove before Aaron could do anything about it. I'm not happy about this, and am quite afraid to open any kitchen cupboards.
4 Aaron and I are sensing a need for some pretty dramatic changes in our life. I'm trying to be hopefully expectant at what God's power is able to do and what His perfect plan will bring.
5. It feels good to blog tonight.
6. I think the "Terrible Two's" aren't terrible at all. I actually can't imagine a more fun stage. (Though I'm sure I'll think the same thing about 3, 4, 5, etc.)
7. My husband watched a "Celtic Women" DVD with me last night, and let me fall asleep with my head in his lap.
8.. I'm glad God promises to complete the good work He started in me.
9. Emily just woke up crying, so.... I bid you good night. :)
Monday, June 04, 2007
"Helpful Emily"
My two-year old then hops off the couch, grabs my husband's dirty sock from the floor that he has just kicked off, and heads back my way. Before I can stop her, she has climbed back into my lap and proceeds to wipe my nose with said sock.
It was absolutely disgusting.
Aaron cracked up.
Emily was quite proud of herself.
I mentally added several boxes of Kleenex to my grocery list, and praised Emily for being so helpful.
Sunday, June 03, 2007
When I read the words in the paper...I thought they were lying. My mind couldn't comprehend it. I ached for his family, his church, his widowed daughter-in-law on a mission trip in the Ukraine trying to get home in time for the funeral, and his grandchildren who have now lost two heros in their lifetime.
Today as I lay in bed trying to take a Sunday nap, I ached especially for his wife Ruth. Eldine died 3 days before their 54th wedding anniversary. Tomorrow, she will celebrate without him. How quickly things can change. I wondered what their last words were together. After 54 years, they probably weren't spoken hastily and angrily over the lack of recent help with dishes. My mind drifted to what if it was me. Oh how I would hurt. My heart would break. It's too painful to imagine. Suddenly the dishes didn't seem so important. I had an overwhelming need to reach out and touch my sleeping husband. I did, so thankful for his warmth. One gentle strong simple bed not lonely. I don't deserve such wealth.
Ruth...I'm praying for you tonight...especially for the moment when you reach out to touch.
Friday, June 01, 2007
"Splish Splash"




Monday, March 19, 2007
26+ Hours I Will Never Forget
This day 2 years ago was also a very important day for my husband. He was to have one of his biggest concerts yet. It was to be held at the Paramount Theater in Anderson. I was very excited for him. Even in spite of how emotional I was, I was very thankful that Emily hadn't chosen to arrive at a time that would keep Aaron from missing his concert. After a power walk at our church with my dad, we headed home to get ready for the big event.
I was determined to look my best that night. Well, as best as one can can get while looking like a bloated whale. :) 3:00pm hit. I was somewhere between completeing the makeup and taking the curlers out. I had this sudden urge to sit down for a few minutes. I went into the living room and sat on the couch only to have a "gas pain" take me by suprise. I don't usually deal with that issue, but...hey...when you're pregnant, you don't ask questions. Your body calls the shots. :) Not giving it any more thought, I hurried to finish getting ready.
I remember the trip to Anderson with my dad. I had 3 or 4 more "gas pains" on the way down. At one point, it finally dawned on me that maybe these weren't gas pains after all. I casually mentioned it to my dad. We still weren't too convinced anything exciting was going on.
The concert was WONDERFUL! I was so proud of my hubby. :) One of the other acts was a comedian. He was hilarious and kept me laughing so hard. Funny... my "gas pains" came right as the comedian would tell his funniest jokes. It's a strange thing...laughing in pain. Halfway through the evening, I (and others around me) finally got the drift that these weren't gas pains...but contractions. My dad and I began to time them. I have to confess, my focus wasn't completely on the concert at this point. :)
By the time the concert was over, the equipment torn down and the trailer loaded, things were getting pretty serious. It wasn't exactly fun and games at that point. We headed back home to Marion where I spent the next several hours crushing Aaron's hand, trying to listen to my Mom's instructions on breathing, and dreading Dad's subtle warnings that his watch indicated another contraction would soon be on it's way. At 1:00AM, our doctor gave us the okay to head to the hospital. At 5:07pm, Emily proved our doctor wrong & decided to join us...26 hours after that first 3:00pm pain.
This past Saturday, we celebrated her 2nd b-day. After the party was over, the house cleaned up & Emily was tucked in her bed asleep, I crept into her room. I sat on her floor and just looked at her. It's so amazing to look at another human being and see a little bit of you and a little bit of your spouse. My thoughts turned to prayers as I thought of her future...and the days she's already graced us with. I regret how quickly the time is flying by. I don't understand how she can be 2 already. However, as I watched her sleep, I couldn't help but get excited and dreaming of the future. Days where b-day lists change from toys to I-Pods. Days where she tells me of the latest drama at school. Days where we sit planning her wedding.
Emily, I just want you to I'm so proud of you! 2 years ago, my world dramatically changed. Though not every moment of motherhood is always "loveable"... I have loved YOU every moment. Your daddy loves you so much too. You take our breath away. You're at a very fun age right now. You're constantly learning new things and making us laugh. Your personality is DEFINITLEY developing and coming through. I so look forward to this next year of your life. I can't wait to see what it holds. I thank Jesus for you everyday, and I can't wait to see the plans He has for you.
Friday, March 09, 2007
Picture 2'nd attempt
We are still (and will remain for awhile) a family of 3.
Emily is getting ready to turn 2 this month. I can NOT believe this. It's just not possible that it's already been this long. Her birth STILL seems like just yesterday. It's been an incredible 2 years, though. I'm thankful for every day that God has allowed Aaron and I to be her parents.
She has a delightful personality. Very strongwilled at times, yet obedient (for the most part). She loves to laugh and giggle. Anyone who will chase her, tickle her toes or sit and play with her gets a star in her book. She loves to watch Dora and Bugs Bunny. Her vocabulary amazes us, and we get such a kick out of listening to her talk. She actually tells us that she loves us now, and she's learning to talk to Jesus. :) Emily has 2 best friends. There is a couple at church that have twin girls almost exactly 6 months younger than Emily. She thinks Natalie and Lilly are the living end.
Emily LOVES to snuggle. I'm so thankful God gave me a cuddly daughter.
I think one of the most delightful things about being Emily's mommy is that even the most mundane things in life can now be the grandest adventures. Grocery shopping and trips to "Mal-Mart" (read: Wal-Mart) are exciting with Emily who is constantly checking out her world with squeals of delight. With the exception of Pneumonia this winter, her health has been excellent. She's recovered beautifully from that, and we didn't even have to put her in the hospital. Emily has brought so much joy to our world. She is such a blessing from God.
I'm still madly in love with this guy named "Aaron". :) Aaron is a wonderful man. He's a better husband and father than I dared to dream God would bless me with. I wish you could see him with Emily(who just adores her Daddy!). He's so patient with her. He's firm when it comes to discipline, yet he is so gentle and tender. Aaron and Emily are each other's favorite playmates. :) Those two are going to have a LOT of special daddy/daughter times in the years ahead. Emily has an ear infection this week. Yesterday, I had to go to work and Aaron took the day off to stay with her. I had NO qualms whatsoever about leaving her with him. He gave her top notch care. She had the right medicine at the right time, was given good food to eat, & got her nap in when it was needed. I didn't have to worry. That's something I DON'T take for granted.
Aaron is starting back to school this week. :) I'm soooo proud of him! There is a new program being offered at IWU. He'll be able to take online classes and wrap up his degree in no time flat. We're very excited about this...and VERY thankful for the tuition benefit I get through my job. :)
Aaron and his brother Jonathan still travel with their music ministry on the weekends. It's so much fun. We're actually in a lull right now, which is typical for this time of year. It's hard to schedule churches between Christmas and Easter. We've enjoyed the down time and having an opportunity to be more involved at church. However, things will pick up again in April. Once we get on the road, I'll post about what it's REALLY like traveling with Waterin2Wine. :)
In addidtion to being a husband, father, student & traveling singer, Aaron also works a full-time, 2nd shift job. He's a busy guy! I couldn't be prouder of anyone else though. I thank God often that I'm the lucky gal who got to be Aaron's wife. :)
I'm doing well also. I'm really enjoying life at the moment. Still working full-time. However, I now get to work Fridays at home. THAT is a WONDERFUL blessing. It makes everything so much more manageable. Our days are busy and intense, but our weekends are wonderful. I'm learning so much about God's daily supply of grace and mercy. He's been so good to me. :)
Between working, trying to keep the house, teaching our Wed. night kids' club, being a wife & mother, I really don't have much time for hobbies. :) That's NOT to say I don't have fun, or occasionaly get time to myself. I'm getting to know some people from church better. When the right mood strikes, I love to go shopping. Once and awhile I even get to pull a good book from the shelf. :) Not mention, I got to take a spontaneous trip to Kansas just days before Christmas to witness the birth of our dear friends' son. (I did almost get stranded at Chicago O'Hare for Christmas...but that's another story.) Even though things are busy, I can't imagine life being much sweeter.
Well, I have a little girl who is trying to come between me and the computer asking to snuggle. So, I'm going to sign off and enjoy some snuggling. :) Take care, and I'll hear form us soon! :)
Fresh Start
(Although...I'm not sure who will even be reading it. I'm sure most people have long given up hope)
Here goes nothing!