Wednesday, April 08, 2009

My day...

...started off with uncertainty, proceeded with a trip to the Labor and Delivery floor of the hospital, and is ending at home with a hot water bottle behind my back.

I'm glad I'm at home. It's really too early for Alex to come. He would probably be okay in the long run if he came today, but I don't want him to have to spend extra time in the hospital.

Aaron and his parents are pretty convinced that he's going to make and early appearance, though. Especially since the nurse commented about how low he is already. We actually think he dropped yesterday....thus causing the new and fairly uncomfortable pain I've been experiencing. This "pain" was coming at regular 5 minute intervals this morning between 6-7:30am.

I kind of had a meltdown yesterday. I was hurting and tired. Not to mention overwhelmed by the fact that there is still so much that *has* to be done before Alex comes. (I think reality set in of how quickly he really might arrive.) Plus, I was really missing my mom...and dad. I remembered how they came for a quick visit when I melted down a couple of weeks before Emily was born...and how my mom came to stay with me the week before she came. Those were special times...not to be repeated this pregnancy.

I'm better now, though. Still hurting, but had a good nap today after I came home from the hospital. After reviewing my to-do list through practical eyes (instead of crazed nesting ones) I realized there is actually very little that HAS to be done before Alex comes....and my mother-in-law gave up a day of her vacation to spend with me at the hospital today. I'm very blessed to have her in my life. She feels more like a mother than a mother-in-law. A true gift from God.

So...that was our day. Now we just sit back and keep waiting. I'm sure I'll be tying up those loose ends on my to do list this fact you can probably count on it! I'm still stunned at how quickly Alex *could* be here, but God's in charge of that department...and I'm so grateful for that fact. He's blessed me with such a good pregnancy. I know He'll keep His loving hand on us for the rest.

PS. I was reminded today of the fact that I will DEFINITLEY be asking for that epidural. :) I'm such a wimp!


Anonymous said...

Aw, bless your heart! Hope you get to feeling better soon. Anxiously awaiting pics of the new little guy, but for your sake and his, I'll hope that he stays put for a little while longer!

Kelly said...

Thanks, Pam. I sure did sound pretty whiny in this...didn't I? I think I've been letting my pregnancy hormones run their course a little too much. Gotta work on that. :)

I'm actually feeling much better today. I had a really good night's sleep. That ALWAYS helps. :)

Hope you're doing well!